Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Knowledge That Has Served Me Well

1. When forced to chose between what someone SAYS and what someone DOES, I chose
their behavior every time. I don't hear nearly as well as I see.

2. We live with amazing power - the power to choose. I can choose whether to get pulled into the drama of life or not. I can choose to get mad at the airline ticketing agent who tells me that my flight has been cancelled or delayed. Or not. Watch the reaction when you choose to roll with the punches instead of venting on the innocent. So much of life is out of our control - the behavior of others, the weather, circumstances -- except for our own reactions. Why not choose to rise above the downward pull of natural human responses, the downward pull of what could be understood
as "normal" and choose instead to be the refreshing one, the positive, up-beat one? The world needs that, you need that, others need to see that modeled.

3. I choose my path and that automatically determines consequences. We can choose to be grateful, for instance, and more things come into our lives for which we can be grateful. We make the right kind of friends and we don't have nearly the challenges we would have if we made friends with people of poor character. We work hard and the fruit of our labor abounds. There is this equation in life of _______ = ________. You don't see inequity there. It's called the law of sowing and reaping. I love it that I get to choose my path. Even good friends don't always understand my choice, but here's the good part. Their understanding isn't necessary for my choice to be a good one. The one God has for me. The real good friends don't understand my choice but love me all the same. That's their choice. And I personally think it's a good one! :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome insight, Sis. I am so proud of you and the challenges that you present to me to rise higher.
    I love you,
