What do I aspire to? AND can I get there being who I am? Or is some very valuable tweaking a good idea? This isn't about "being yourself," but it IS all about being the best "you" you can be, and that involves never-ending change and growth.
I marvel at some observations since I'm an avid people watcher. Here they are.
The people who I notice, who really stand out in the crowd and are the people I want to be around are the "readers." They actually read books, ON PURPOSE, and they're not all fiction. For my reader friends, the one on my nightstand now is "Influencer."
They talk about principles and ideas and never about other people in a negative light.
They purposely put themselves in situations where they have opportunity to learn, grow, and change for the better. They hang around people like that, too.
Other observations: Your income is the average income of the 5 people you spend most of your time with. For that reason, I've been seen lounging on the lawns of the rich and elite of Wichita lately. :)
We do become like the people we are around the most, like the TV shows we watch the most, like the the books we read, like the groups we belong to. It's always a good idea to check our progress in these areas. If we don't like what we see, we can always change it! That's the good part. We aren't stuck without hope of renewal or change.
So, back to the original thought, if I can't get "there" being the way I am, what changes are a good idea? How about changing just 1% a day for 100 days? Will that make for 100% improvement? According to performance experts it will make more like 300-400% improvement because of the compounded effect of change on top of change.
CANI - Anthony Robbins' acronym for Constant and Never-Ending Improvement is my mantra for the day! Change can be painful, but choosing to NOT change is even MORE painful. I choose change!